
New Jens Lekman

Jens Lekman is an interesting artist, he's good. This is his new album and me thinks its really good. He's swedish, so that should explain somethings. Sometimes he has pretty poor lyrics but great music, but sometimes he really hits both.
get his new album HERE

New Hives album

k k k The Hives just released their new album called The Black and White Album. I'm not a huge fan of them, but Andre 3000 once said they were his favorite band, and Pharrel and Timbaland helped produce so i thought it'd be worth a listen. It's pretty good
Download HERE

Covertape v.2

Volume 2 of my mixtapes devoted to covers because i heart covers hard. HERE


new Jay-Z album

New Jay-Z American Gangster album- edited as always, HERE. You ask me, i say it's tripe, save "Pray", "Success", and "Fallin" and even those arent too great. I do really like the concept of this album though, read up on wiki. Please note i've never liked Jay-Z, i just dont like him trying to sing and whisper in my ear, meahwhile a disjointed mash of samples and original beats assault my ears. I know he's talented, i've done my research i just dont like his style, content, or instrumentals. I sound pissy and very bloggy, which i dont want to do on this, but i had to. ps. it seems like when youve made a couple dollars and are currently hailed as one of the greats in the "game", youd chill out and stop talking about yourself so much. If youre searching for something less self-indulgent and trite, mostly lyrically speaking, off the top o' ma dome: check out aesop rock, atmosphere, wu tang, the beatles, sage francis, jedi mind tricks, mf doom, outkast for the love of. dont get mad i think the Hova is ova(rated)


Rocktape 2

New mixtape of rockish type stuff HERE


John Vanderslice/ Russian Futurists

Here's a mixtape of 2 bands that i like and aren't too well known. Russian Futurists sound like their name. John Vanderslice is a stud-muffin fo sho and makes some real stellar music. He just put out a new album which i do not have yet, but the 2 previous, Cellar Door, and more importantly, Pixel Revolt are truly amazing. His stuff is pretty distinct and perfectly produced, its a unique combination of electronic vibes whilst staying a real band, i know this because i saw them perform these songs and they totes pulled it off. I said totes, deal. ps. they performed the encore song in the middle of the crowd acoustic style like Arcade Fire is known to do, and then we had a dance party to Lil Wayne after by the band's request. Unreal


I heart cover songs hard. I like to see artists step outside of writing their own songs by themselves and nothing else. Here is the first mixtape of covers i will be posting, cause theres more, k. Download HERE