
New Jens Lekman

Jens Lekman is an interesting artist, he's good. This is his new album and me thinks its really good. He's swedish, so that should explain somethings. Sometimes he has pretty poor lyrics but great music, but sometimes he really hits both.
get his new album HERE

New Hives album

k k k The Hives just released their new album called The Black and White Album. I'm not a huge fan of them, but Andre 3000 once said they were his favorite band, and Pharrel and Timbaland helped produce so i thought it'd be worth a listen. It's pretty good
Download HERE

Covertape v.2

Volume 2 of my mixtapes devoted to covers because i heart covers hard. HERE


new Jay-Z album

New Jay-Z American Gangster album- edited as always, HERE. You ask me, i say it's tripe, save "Pray", "Success", and "Fallin" and even those arent too great. I do really like the concept of this album though, read up on wiki. Please note i've never liked Jay-Z, i just dont like him trying to sing and whisper in my ear, meahwhile a disjointed mash of samples and original beats assault my ears. I know he's talented, i've done my research i just dont like his style, content, or instrumentals. I sound pissy and very bloggy, which i dont want to do on this, but i had to. ps. it seems like when youve made a couple dollars and are currently hailed as one of the greats in the "game", youd chill out and stop talking about yourself so much. If youre searching for something less self-indulgent and trite, mostly lyrically speaking, off the top o' ma dome: check out aesop rock, atmosphere, wu tang, the beatles, sage francis, jedi mind tricks, mf doom, outkast for the love of. dont get mad i think the Hova is ova(rated)


Rocktape 2

New mixtape of rockish type stuff HERE


John Vanderslice/ Russian Futurists

Here's a mixtape of 2 bands that i like and aren't too well known. Russian Futurists sound like their name. John Vanderslice is a stud-muffin fo sho and makes some real stellar music. He just put out a new album which i do not have yet, but the 2 previous, Cellar Door, and more importantly, Pixel Revolt are truly amazing. His stuff is pretty distinct and perfectly produced, its a unique combination of electronic vibes whilst staying a real band, i know this because i saw them perform these songs and they totes pulled it off. I said totes, deal. ps. they performed the encore song in the middle of the crowd acoustic style like Arcade Fire is known to do, and then we had a dance party to Lil Wayne after by the band's request. Unreal


I heart cover songs hard. I like to see artists step outside of writing their own songs by themselves and nothing else. Here is the first mixtape of covers i will be posting, cause theres more, k. Download HERE



Outkast 4ever die hard you want pain, cause you walkin outta that door breathin is insane.

Idlewild Soundtrack HERE, so so good. A lot like the Love Below, the album...

So Andre's latest production went mostly undiscovered i think. It was partially Outkast's fault, they tried to disassociate Outkast with Idlewild and its soundtrack, saying it was not an Outkast production, just an album made by the same 2 people. But not completely, theres much more It is NOT a score, it is a full on exclusive Outkast soundtrack with some stellar guest appearances, most importantly Lil Wayne, not. I hope he gets mistaken for a potato and peeled by migrant workers. Sooner the better, hip hop is suffering major losses to people like him and much worse. The stable hip hop used to provide for societies underdogs, free expression, power, and social commentary has almost entirely fled to the underground. Or should i say The Underground.... it sounds much more legit and kind of mysterious. Anyways, it wasnt my intention to write about my deep-seated loathing for crunk, hyphy, gin and juice and that donald duck orange juice from who's hands hip-hop has been been shivved. That's right i used prison terminology "societies underdogs" in the same paragraph. Kosher? i think so. To the filthy South, and the Bay Area, in ya face.

New Beirut

Get the new Beirut entitled The Flying Club Cup, plus 2 EP's HERE. I feel about Zach Condon like i do toaster oven's over toasters. Very passionate, I feel like Beirut is like a Balkan Arcade Fire, no? just cry your face out as you listened to this and if you want the rest of their stuff, leave a comment and we'll take care of that.


New Radiohead

New Radiohead- In Rainbows. DUH. Get it HERE


Reggae Tribute To The Beatles

Mellow Dubmarine: A Reggae Tribute To The Beatles




I'm not too fond of the band too much but after a strong request from a dark and hairy man, here's 2 Menomena albums, get em
Friend or Foe HERE
I Am The Fun Blame Monster HERE


New Iron & Wine CD

Download the new Iron & Wine CD, The Shepherd's Dog HERE


The Brunettes & The Magic Numbers

The Brunettes = Peter Bjorn and John + The Beach Boys + that girl in "Gidget"
Since the whole twee scene seems to have returned, listen to this if you feel like cutting your hair to look like that Bertie from da Swiss Family Robinson

The Magic Numbers = 2 pairs of brother/sister duos, one of which fled islamic extremists from their homeland Trinidad. aka if you want some real easy summer-listening from some surprisingly odd people, dig in.

Download HERE


The Walkmen

Instead of just posting the download link, this post deserves, neigh, requires some background information. This download package is not a mixtape, but rather I bundle of The Walkmen, featuring their latest studio release entitled “Pussy Cats” Starring The Walkmen. I don’t seem to know anyone that listens to them, but I think they’re one of New York’s most exciting musical products, right behind ABBA of course. Anyways, they decided to take 10 days and record this entire cover album of Harry Nilsson album Pussy Cats which was produced by John Lennon in San Francisco while on hiatus from the Beatles, not that any of that changes the music, but for me, the background story has a lot to do with how I receive music, and internalize the concept. For instance, if someone just told me, “hey, you should go make out with a rock”, I’d be all “whatev”, but if they told me the story behind the Blarney Rock and all that jazz and how erbody does it for good luck then I’d probs be more inclined. Not that I would actually kiss the rock, that’s wrong and im all about protecting the environment so, I wouldn’t think about doing that, but still. Anyways, this is a really great band that sounds like, what might happen if a modern version of The Kinks got together, got really excited, and then got a drunk Bob Dylan (RIP), to sing for them. So stop picking noses and start downloading it HERE, and in case you dig the Pussy Cats album like my step-mother does prescription pills then I’ve included some of their other fantastic songs in the download file. Let me know what you guys think.


Kanye West's Late Orchestration

K. Dub live in concert with an orchestra, and edited for naughty words. Deal with it HERE.

Ps. How many indie kids does it take to screw in a light bulb?

1 to screw it in and another 4 to talk about how it was so much better back when it was just dark. (source: Dane)



New Beastie Boys

Here you are, The Mix up in full affect! Enjoy this instrumental cd, the latest from the Beastie Boys. Also, is it normal if a girl gives you a hug but puts her arms around your waist.

Let Jus†ice be served

With all the hype about Justice aka Daft Punk dos, i thought that i too would post some of their stuff but since many of you prolly have the album, here's a package of Justice remixes. ENJOY

Warning: These links to mega long mixes below are not for the faint of heart, you must adore Justice like a like my aunt Rose does a new tub of crisco.

Also, for a full 2 hour mix, go HERE and look halfway down the screen and in the middle should be a link to download the beast.
And THIS is a live 3 hour mix Justice did for a party in France.



* My favorite drum solo from my favorite drummer
* A good day to remember
* story of my life
* Howto: The perfect breakbeat
* fantastic Junior Senior music video (made by fans)


Rocktape 1

Here's a mix of just rockish type stuff, i really like these songs.
Download HERE


I could type lots of words about Radiohead's epic influence, and how if you don't like them i'd like your name and address so i can find you and donkey-punch you in the mouth but i'd rather not take the time, in person i would though. I was thinking of pulling a T but then i membered that i wanted to keep this blog a little more concise, less bloggy and more of just a station for people to download music and other stuff. who knows what it'll turn into, but thats the plan for now.Anyways, they're my favorite band, and i thought i'd post this for people who just havent found the time to discover Radiohead, would have an easy already made Radiohead 101 According to Me mixtape. These are just the songs you need to hear (in my opinion obviously) to really learn about this band. So far this has been a rather dismal piece of literature so just follow this link and listen to jonny and thom.

Download Part 1 HERE
Part 2 is all Radiohead covers, do enjoi. Download Part 2 HERE


New 2 part mixtape all about L.O.V.E. Its summer, the back of my knees are getting tan, i drink chilled water by a pool at night and read leatherbound books, and i am man. Deal with it.

Part 1, is a little more homogeneous, or monogamous? But Part 2 is just a random compilation about love.


v.I - Bestape

Download the first mixtape package from my new/first blog HERE.

This volume I is just a mix of my favorite new songs right now, which is why we here at Duckduckbubblegoose (DDB) Laboratories call this first mixtape volume, Bestape.

I realize some of you might have already gotten this if you recieved my facebook message, but others havent had the chance to download it so DEAL WITH THAT.